milestones: DEDICATION

Dedication is a celebration of God's goodness! Parents respond to the Lord in thanksgiving for the gift of their child.  With our eternal future in mind, it is a milestone in the spiritual formation of both the parents and child.
Parents, as people transformed by the gospel, we should:
- acknowledge that there is no greater success our child can find than to know and walk with God
- proclaim our desire to be obedient in loving the Lord with all our heart, soul, and strength
- commit to teaching the things of God diligently to our children
- be affirmed by a church family who commits to walking alongside us

Step 1: Assess your priorities

Children are a good gift from God.  In Deuteronomy, God commands His people to be set apart, first in how we love Him and then to teach our children to love Him. He tells us to do it with all our heart, soul, and our strength - putting effort and intentionality into valuing and prioritizing what He values and prioritizes.

Step 2:  Attend Parent Class

The beginning of being a disciple-making parent is being a disciple yourself. The parent dedication class gives you the opportunity to form meaningful connections with other parents in the same parenting stage as you look at Deuteronomy 6:4-9 and discuss practical ways to live this out in your own life and home.

Step 3: Parent & Child Dedication Celebration

Parents who have completed the class will go before the church family during the Sunday morning service and publicly commit to raise their children with the goal of knowing and loving the Lord.  The church celebrates and affirms this commitment and promises to walk alongside them.

Step 3: Public Commitment Service